Meaning and Features of computer

Features of                                computers-

Computer has become the life style of mankind because of the following characteristics: 

aSpeed: The processing speed of a computer is very fast/very high. It can perform any type of calculation within a fraction of seconds. The speed of the computer can be measured in pico seconds i.e. Billionth (10-¹²) part of a second.

b> Accuracy: The output of result given by the computer is very accurate. A calculator can give maximum 9 to 10 digitise results wheather decimal digit may cross the range where as a computer can give the accurate decimal values. A computer never gives any wrong information unless and until the user does because computer does all the operation using electronic circuits.

c> Storage: One of the most important characteristics is that a computer can store large amount of data and whenever it is required to retrieve it can be very easily.

d> versatility: A computer can perform varieties of tasks. The problem are to be solved; are broken down into a series of computer readable logical steps. A computer can perform almost any types arithmetic and logical operations.

e> Automation: A computer can perform its task automatically for hours tougher without any human intervention. It does not required any other help if has been programmed or inputted with required data to process then it will continue up to finish off its job as desired with any help for its processing.

f> Diligence: A computer does not suffer from human traits of tiredness of bored. If it has to perform 5 billion calculations then it will perform the 5th billion tasks at a same speed and accuracy. 

g> Programmable: A computer can be programmed to fulfill our requirements for different purposes according to our choice. 

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