

It is an application program that is designed to handle a particular task. It can be either a routine package or designed for a specific purpose. All input/output transfers and error situation are aromatically handled by the package itself. 

Example of packages

DTP :  It stands for Desk Top publishing, which allows many organization's to produce camara ready artwork in hour, thereby saving considerable expenses on outside expertise. There are some special types of word processing packages, which can fulfill the requirements of publishing industry and hence these came to know as Desk top publishing packages. The most common DTP in use in india are Page maker and ventura for English language and for indian language shreelipi, indica etc.

DBMS : It is the Database Management system that allows the user to setup, maintain and manipulate a database management task may include controlling excel to the database, extracting data selectively from different parts of database, financial and statistics analysis. 
 For example: dbase III+, Foxpro, FoxBASE etc.

Wordstar : It is known as word processor that is primarily concerned with the entry manipulation and formatting of text. The text that is entered can be automatically  organised into lines and pages. Printout may also be improved by controlling printer setting to highlight particular areas. 

Spreadsheet : A work sheet that provides a number or rows and columns for numeric data entry. They are widely used in accounting, scientific and business fields Typical use are financial records, scientific analysis and database task.
  For example : Lotus 1-2-3, V.P. Planner

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