Paramagnetism paramagnetic properties of Transition element

Paramagnetism :

A paramagnetic substance is attracted by the
magnet .  Paramagnetism is associated with the presence of the unpaired electron in the atoms , ions, or molecules . Since the paramagnetic properties is due to the presence of unpaired electron in the (n-1)d or (n-2) f - orbitals, only those atoms or ions having unpaired electron show  paramagnetism. The greater the numbers of unpaired electron in a species (ions or atoms), the more strongly paramagnetism it is . 
          Thus , Cu+ (3d ¹0 4s0) and  Cu²+(3d94s0)
are diamagnetic (not magmatic) and para magmatic , respectively , because they contain zero and one unpaired electron respectively . Similarly, Fe ²+ (3d6 4s0) and fe³+ (3d5 4s0) having respectively 4and5 unpaired electrons are both parameters . However , Fe 3+ is more strongly paramagnetic than Fe2+

   The catalytic power is probably due to the use of (n-1) d - orbitals or due to the Formation of some interestital compound which absorb and activate the reacting substance.

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