Uses of Helium Helium

Uses of Helium  :- 

1- It is used as a coolant in gas cooled atomic reactor.

2- As it is a lighter gas, it diffuses more rapidly and thus helium oxygen mixture is used for asthma of treatment.

3- It is used for filling balloons and air ships as it is light and non - inflammable gas .

4- It is used to provide inert atmosphere in the welding and melting of certain metals which are easily oxidised.

5- Because of it's inertness and high I.E. it used for filling electrical transformers , vacuum tubes and radio tubes etc.

6- It is used in the preservation of food, as it maintain inert atmosphere around foods and are not destroyed by bacterial actions.

7- Liquid helium has very low temperature and hence is used in the research work where low temperature is required.

8- It is suitable for low temperature gas thermometry because this this has low and has nearly ideal gas behavior.

9- A mixture of He and O² is used for respiration in place of air sea divers. It is because the nitrogen of air dissolves in the blood of the sea divers due to high pressure when diver is in the deep sea . When divers come to the surface, the pressure decrease and the nitrogen dissolves in the blood escape out and it causes a painful sensation called caisson sickness or bends. But He and O² mixture taken in place of air avoids this sort of difficulties.

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