Siemens Ozoniser: This Ozoniser consist of two co-axial glass tubes fused together at one end. The outer side of the outer glass tube and the inner side of the inner glass tube are finally coated with tin foils as shown in the figure given below. (Siemens Ozoniser)->2 (Siemens Ozoniser)->1 These tin foil are connected to the induction coil for supply of silent electric discharge. Pure and dry oxygen gas is passed into the apparatus through annular space. The gas is then subjected to the action of silent electric discharge where oxygen gets converted into ozone. The ozonised oxygen then comes out of the apparatus through the outlet of the Ozoniser. (Siemens Ozoniser)->2
Introduction to DOS ➡️ DOS stands for (Disk operating system), and it is a name for the basic IBM PC operating system. DOS is command User/Line interface (CUI) Operating system software. Several varieties of DOS are available , including Microsoft's versions of DOS (MS-DOS) , IBM's version (PC-DOS) , and several others. There are actually several levels to DOS. At the lowest level is the BIOS (Basic input/output system) which is responsible for managing devices like the keyboard and disk drivers at simplest possible lavel e.g. the BIOS let's you say things like ( get me sector 5 of track 3 from disk drive 1). This is done partly by software in ROM (Read-only memory) and partly by BIOS extension, which are loaded when the system first starts up (with MS-DOS, these are in a file called IO.SYS; on PC-DOS they're in IBMBIO.COM). The second layer provides a set of higher level services implemented using the low-level B...
Rutile structure: The radius radio is in the range 0.73 to 0.41. in rutile (TiO²) each Ti⁴+ ion is octahedrally surrounded by six O²- ions whereas each other O²- ion is surrounded by only three Ti⁴+ ions arranged at the tree corners of a plane triangle. The Co-ordination number of Ti⁴+ and O²+ ions are 6 and 3, respectively. It is not exactly a close packed structure. Ti⁴+ ions in rutile may however, be considered as forming a sufficiently distorted body centred cubic lattice. Example compounds having radius ratio below 0.41 are SiO² and BeF² but these are only a few. The Co-ordination number of Si⁴+ and Be²+ is four and that of O²- is two. However, these are appreciably co-valent.