
Showing posts from May, 2020

What are primordial biomolecules

About primordial biomolecules:-       The first cells , among them the mycoplasma , are built from only some 30 different organic molecules . These are called the primordial biomolecules which includes 20 amino acid five nitrogenous aromatic bases a fatty acids , two sugar , the alcohol glycerol and the amine choline

What are anti vitamins

About anti vitamins :-      Anti-vitamins are the chemical compounds that inhibits the absorption or actions of vitamins . For example , avidin is a protein in egg whites that inhibits the absorption of biotin (vitamin B7) pyrithiamine is similar to thiamine (vitamin B7) and inhibits the enzymes that use thiamine .

What is soap about soap

About soap:-      Soaps are sodium or potassium salts of hoghhi fatty acids obtained from oils and fats available in nature .    Soap forms lather only in soft water . So, these are used to clean clothes in only soft water .   The soap solution in water is alkaline and soap can't be used to wash delicate fabric like silk and wool .  Soap can't be used in slightly acidic medium.


About Detergent:-  Detergent are usually sodium alkyl sulfates or sodium alkyl benzene sulphonamides which are purely synthetic compounds.        Detergent from lather both in soft and hard water so these are used to clean clothes both in soft and hard water.        The detergent solutions in water is neutral for which it can be used to wash all kinds of fabric         Detergent can be used in slightly acidic medium .

What is systemic antacids and Non systemic antacids

About systemic (absorbable) antacids  and non systemic antacids    These are soluble , readily absorbable and capable of producing systemic electrolyte alterations and alkalosis  Example- sodium bicarbonate. Non systemic (non absorbable) antacids :    These are not absorbable to a significant extent and thus do not exert on appreciable systemic effect .

Antacid what is antacids about antacids

About Antacids:  -   Antacids are the substance which on ingestion react with gastric acid and lower the acidity of gastric contents . Antacids produce a symptomic relief of heart burn , pain and also refure spasm in addition to relief from the uncomfortable feeling from overeating and a growing hungry feeling between meals.    Antacids are weak bases and they raise the gastric pH above 4 by neutralizing excess gastric Hcl , which may be causing pain and possible ulceration . Most of the antacids are relatively free from serious side effects expect sodium bicarbonate , which in addition to raising pH above 7 , may also cause systemic alkalosis in addition to outhe effects . Antacids can also be used for inactivate proteolytic enzyme, pepsin.

Antibiotics what is antibiotics

About antibiotics:-  These are the chemical produced by micro organisms like bacteria, moulds, etc. These are capable of inhibiting or destroying the growth of disease causing microorganisms . These are used against many infactioin caused by various gram positive bacteria and are also used to treat Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Sorethroat ,etc .      Example- Solvarsan is used in the treatment of syphilis , sulphonamides and derivatives,viz,sulphapyridine, sulphathiazol, sulphadiazin, sulphaguanidin, sulphaacetamide. Antibiotics have either Vidal effects or a static effects on microbes , Bacteriostatic , Bactericidal , Viz.      Bactericidal - penicillin , afloxacin, etc .      Bacteriostatic - Erythromycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol etc .     Chlorambucil is used in the treatment of leukaemia, Amphicillin, streptomycin, etc used as antibiotics.

What is water pollution

Water pollution:-    Definition:-  water pollution is the degeneration of water quality due to the addition of undesirable substance or due to certain other factors to such an extent that it becomes health hazard or unfit for our use. Source and effects of water pollution:-   The source of water pollution may be natural of man made . Natural source include clay , silt , animal wastes etc . While man made or anthropogenic source include industrial effects , domestic wastes and sewage , farm . Pollution (farm animals wastes) crop gold pollution (application of pesticides , fertilizers etc ). Domestic sewage:- :- Domestic sewage contains human and animal exereta, plenty of food and outher organic matters detergent and outher cleaning etc it also contains number of bacteria and outher pathogenic microbes. :- pathogen contaminated water causes several serious diseases in human beings other animals spread of water bone disease like Dholera , dysentery , jundice, hepatitis ...

What is antifertility drugs

About Antifertility drugs             These drugs are used to control birth and population , hence also called as control pills  . These contain a mixture of synthetic estrogens and progesterone derivative  Example :-  Norethindrone and Ethynylestradiol are widely used as Antifertility drugs

What is Antimicrobials

About antimicrobial :-    Antimicrobial (Disinfectants and Antiseptic) are the chemical agents used to destroy or inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms . They are Normally ineffective in the sporing State of microorganisms . Example-    Hydrogen peroxide solution, Zinc peroxide , potassium permanent, sodium perborate , Borax, silver nitrate ,sodi so hypochlorite solutions, chlorinate lime , yellow mercuric oxide etc . 

What is disinfectant

About Disinfectant:-      Disinfectant kill or prevent any growth of microorganisms harmful to human body . This disinfectant are applied to inanimate objects , such as instruments , floor , drainage system etc . Example- Dichloromine - T is used for dressing wounds. Halozone is used for purification of drinking water.

What is antiseptic

About antiseptic :-        These are the chemical which either kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms harmful to human body . These are applied to the living tissues such as cuts , wounds , ulcers , affected skins etc. Example-                   Dettol ( mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol ) ,salol , Tincture iodine , salol , Chlorocresol , lodoform , formaldehyde , Gentian violet , potassium permanent , Hydrogen peroxide , etc . Bithionol is added to soap for anticeptic properties.

What is tranquilizer

Tranquilizer:-   These are belongs to neurologically active drugs . These are used for the treatment of stress and mild or even several mantal disease .    Example-   (1) - chlordiazepoxide and meprobamate are mild tranquilizer suitable for relieving tension  .    (2)- Barbiturates - such as veronal , amytal , numbutal , are the derivatives of Barbiturates acid these are hypnotic ,.  Sleep producing agents.     (3)- Equanil is used in controlling depression and hypertension.

What is Analgesics

About Analgesics:-   Analgesics:- These are neurologically actinv drugs. This affect the massage transfer part/ mechanism from nerve to receptor . Analgesics reduce or abolish pain without impairment of consciousness , paralysis, incoordination or mental confusion or some other disturbance of nervous system.      These are two types these are :-                        Narcotic Analgesics , Non - narcotic analgesics 1- Narcotic Analgesics :- opium derivatives are usually know as narcotics . These substances attack the nervous system of the body and decrease the body pain    Example- Apomorphine, Pethidine hydrochloride , Methadone , Heroin , Codeine , morphines. 2- Non-narcotic analgesics:- These can be prepared in the laboratory .   Example-  salium salicylate , salicin . methyl salicylate .  The main disadvantage of salicylic acid derivatives is that these distub in gastrointestinal...

What is representative elements

Representative Elements:-    Element in which only the outer s / p electron subshell is incompletely filled are known as representative or normal elements.     Elements of S and P - blocks , excluding the nobel gases are included in this category . These elements have the outer electronic configuration from ns¹ to np5 . Element of this type use only their outer shell electrons in the bonding with other atoms.

What is air pollution

What is air pollution  Source of air pollution  Effects of air pollution  Control of air pollution   and meny more..    What is air pollution:-         Foreign particles or gases in the atmosphere which are harmful to human beings , other organisms and vegetation is called air pollution.                                   Source of air pollution:- The major source of air pollution are  :- Natural source   and :-man-made source Natural sources:-  Ultraviolet radiations and cosmic rays from the rays , land slides, volcanic erruptions which releases gases like co , so², H²s , etc . Release of natural gases parts of biological origin such as pollengrains and fungal spores etc causing air pollution. Man-made sources :-  1- Industries:- major pollutants released from the chimneys of the industries are co² , so² , H²s and hydrocarbo...

What is the earliest calendars

 What is the earliest calendars .          IntractinIn fact about the earliest calendar.     The earliest calendars invented by man which were based on the motion of the moon , in this calendar a year was upto 12 lunar months , which were alternately 29 and 30 days long . there year was 11 day's short , so they added an extra month every 3 year . This calendar was not accurate over long periods .               The ancient Egyptian established a solar calendar based on the sun . they split their year of 365 days into 12 months of 30 days adding 5 days at the end of the year .      After that , the next calendar were came from the Roman,. These calendar was based on ancient Egyptian pattern . But they altered the number of days in months to eliminate the extra  5 days .

What is an inert gas and Nobel gas

Inert gases or Noble gases       The element which belong to the group 18 of the periodic table are known as inert gassg or noble gases. They have 8 electron (except he) in their out most shell . Therefore  their combining capacity or valency is zero . Hence, they are inert in nature . However, recently it was discovered that these elements from a number of compound with high electromagnetic element , Example- oxygen and fluorine . Now these elements are known as noble gases . These are chemically rather unreactive as compared to other elements.

What is a limiting reactant

About Limiting reactant:-        Sometime in experiment , one, two or more reactant is taken in exces amount required by the balanced equation . This might be done to help ensure that the other reactant which is expensive is completely used . Sometimes, it might be done to make a reaction occur faster .       What is the reason for the use of an exesse reactants , the substance in execss of the amount required are left unused the amount of product that forms is limited by reactant . That is completely used . Once this reactant is completely used the reaction is stop and no additional products is formed.     The reactant which is completely used and determines the amount of product formed is called limiLimi reactant.      The theoretical yield of a product is the maximum yield obtainable as calculated on the basis of the amount of limiting reactant used.      

What is the nature of electromagnetic radiation

Nature of electromagnetic radiation.       Light is an important form of radiant energy . According to Newton's corpuscular theory , light is composed of steam of particles called corpuscles of light . The nature of light expand well in some of the experimental data such as refraction and reflection of light . But , it is failed to explain the phenomenon of diffraction and interference . Therefore corpuscular theory was rejected and it was proposed that the transmission of light takes place in the form of transverse waves.      A wave is a sort of disturbance which originates from a vibrating source . It is analogous to a water wave . It travels as a continuous sequence of alternating crest and troughs . The wave travel through space at right angle to the vibratory motion of object . The tops of the wavy curve are called crest and the bottom is called through.

Biological importance of magnesium and calcium

Biological importance of magnesium and calcium:-          Calcium and magnesium ions play an important role in biological reaction,. Trees absorb light for photosynthesis from sun in the presence of chlorophyll which contains magnesium .                    Calcium as it's phophate is an essential element for bones , horns and teeth of animals ,. Calcium also play an important role in muscle contraction .                   Energy is stored in biological system in the pyrophosphate linkage . Both calcium and magnesium play a role as catalysts in the formation of linkage is accompanied by release of energy .          Alkaline earth metals such as magnesium and calcium ions also control meny enzyme reaction the deficiency of magnesium results  in growth failure, spams etc . The deficiency of calcium cause convulsions ,rickets etc .

some interesting facts about ants

ANT- About an ant .  Some interesting facts about this tiny hard-working insect .             The smallest and the wisest insects is an ant let's know a number of facts about the tiny hard-working and intligintel creature.                An ant use it's antenna or feelers  to talk to outher ants by passing message through them . Watch a row of ants moving up and down , They greets all outher ants coming from opposite side by touching there feeler or antenna.           There are so many kinds of ants . The commonest among them are the red and black ones . We see them most of time .          They live in their comfortable houses called anthills or nests .               Anthills or nests  has hundred of little rooms and passages some of in these rooms in the anthill the queen ant  lays eggs Outhers  are nur...

About the Electron

A little about electron  1- It Discovered in cathode ray experiment 2- charge = -1.602 × 10-¹9 coulomb (discover by Mulliken in his oil drop experiment) 3- Mass of electrons = 9.11×10-³¹ kg (by J.J. Thomson) 4- Specific charge of electron (e/m ratio) = 1.76× 10 8 coulomb's/gm . (It decrease with increase in velocity because the increase in velocity increase the mass of electron) 5- Dencity of electron = 2.17 × 10¹7 gm/cc 6- Radius of electron = 10-¹5 cm 7-Mass of one mole of electrons (N electron) = 0.55 MGM (nearly) 8- charge on one mole of electron =96500 coulomb's = Faraday (nearly)

What is Pollution

Pollution  Definition of pollution  About pollutants Importance of pollutants Definition:- Any unwanted and undesirable change in physical , chemical and biological characters of air ,water or land is called pollution . :- As a result of pollution , human life, useful organisms , living conditions , environment ,raw materials etc . Are  irreparably damage and may even be destroyed permanently . :- pollutants are substance , chemical or any other things which change the natural balance of environmental . :- pollutants are mostly placed into two categories .                 1 .  Biodegradable pollutants             And                 2 . Non- biodegradable pollutants. Biodegradable pollutants:-    Domestic sewage , cloth, paper , wood etc can be decomposed by bio microorganisms that's why it is biodegradable pollutants . Non- biodegr...

Interacting fact about tree

Interacting fact about tree               *   tree repair there damage tissue and replace there lost parts. In most vertebrate , limbs that have been lost Will not grow again. if large masses of tissue are destroyed , new tissue will not take place . Some new tissue will , of course, apper on the site of the injury , but they serve rather as a protection to the remaining tissue than as a replacement . But plants are superior to animals in this regard : they can repair their damaged tissue very efficiently and can often replace  lost parts.

What is the Characteristics of solids

Characteristics of solids .      Definite shape :-                                  Liquid are not like solids and gas have definite shape .the particles in solid have fixed positions and they cannot move and hence they are rigid which gives the solids a definite shape . Definite volume :-                                        The solids particles  are closely connected due to strong intermolecular forces between them. That's why solids have definite volumes which are independent of shape and size . Solids are practically incompressible :-                                                                    ...

Super conducting material

About super condycondu material> Uses of super conductors> The electrical conducting of metals depends on its resistance which vary with temperature. This electrical resistance coming down in it's temperature and become near absolute zero . Such as this types of things and substance which resistance is almost zero they are called super conductors .       At which temperature a thing subtasubs behaving like a super conductors is known as transition temperature .  Most of substance conducting between _ 2k - 5k .     But some compound are synthesized at higher temperature . Some of them are:-..    1- TI² CA²BA² CU³ O ¹0 ---125K 2-BI² CA² SR² CU³ O ¹0 --- 105K 3- LA¹.8 SR 0.² CU 0⁴ --- 40K 4- NB³ GE --- 23K Uses of super conductors>  1- Building of super magnet . 2-  laser technology . 3- In powerful computer. 4-Gyro operated instruments in cryogenic . 5-power transmission sector 6- levitation tra...

Interacting fact about butterflies

About butterflies and moths>>  Butterflies are the most beautiful insects . Like moths , butterflies have large wings , often with brilliant colours and striking patterns . The wings are covered with minutes scales . If you handle a butterfly or a mouth a certain amount of (dust) comes off the wings  the dust is in fact , thousands of these scale. Zoologists classify butterflies and moths apart . As a general rule moths fly at night and butterflies during the day . Also a butterfly usually holds its wings upright when it alights on a plant , whereas a moth usallus spreads it's wings out flat.  That's a moth