What is water pollution

Water pollution:-

   Definition:- water pollution is the degeneration of water quality due to the addition of undesirable substance or due to certain other factors to such an extent that it becomes health hazard or unfit for our use.

Source and effects of water pollution:-
  The source of water pollution may be natural of man made . Natural source include clay , silt , animal wastes etc . While man made or anthropogenic source include industrial effects , domestic wastes and sewage , farm . Pollution (farm animals wastes) crop gold pollution (application of pesticides , fertilizers etc ).
Domestic sewage:-
:- Domestic sewage contains human and animal exereta, plenty of food and outher organic matters detergent and outher cleaning etc it also contains number of bacteria and outher pathogenic microbes.
:- pathogen contaminated water causes several serious diseases in human beings other animals spread of water bone disease like Dholera , dysentery , jundice, hepatitis , typhoid etc . Mainly due to sewage water .
:- presence of good amount of nutrients causes excessive growth of the tree floating algae which is known as algal bloom . Deoxygenation of water by decomposers also stimulates algal blooming . Algal blooms results in anaerobicis which causes foul smell and makes the water unfit for human beings . Algal blooms also causes fish mortality.
Serface runoff :-
:- serface runoff from crop fields such as excess aamoua of inorganic fertilizers , pesticides , insecticides , organic manures are brought the nearby ponds, lakes streams or river by rain water .
:- pesticides like DDT are non biodegradable chemicals which pollute the water and kill smaller organisms.
:- Nutrients enrichment of water causes excessive growth of aquatic plants increase in fertilizers of water bodies leads to increase in growth of consumers also . This nutrients enrichment of water bodies is called eutrophication . Which leads to deposition of organic matters at the bottom through years .This eutrophication leads to natural aging (shallowing) lakes.
Industrial effects:- 
:- Industry discharge waste water containing (1) Heavy meatals like mercury, lead,copper, arsenic, etc .
(2) Inorganic pollutants like acid, alkalies, bleaching etc.
(3) Organic pollutants like phenol , naptha , aromotic substances cellulose fibres etc . 
:- These industrial effluents are the most hazardous substances causing land , air , water pollution.
:- Consumption of mercury contaminated fishes cause minamita disease in human beings.
:- Cadmium contaminated water causes aecumulation of cadmium in kidney , liver , pancreas and spleen . This causes anaemia and affects central nervous system in human beings.

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