some interesting facts about ants

About an ant .
 Some interesting facts about this tiny hard-working insect .

            The smallest and the wisest insects is an ant let's know a number of facts about the tiny hard-working and intligintel creature.
               An ant use it's antenna or feelers to
talk to outher ants by passing message through them . Watch a row of ants moving up and down , They greets all outher ants coming from opposite side by touching there feeler or antenna.
          There are so many kinds of ants . The commonest among them are the red and black ones . We see them most of time . 
        They live in their comfortable houses called anthills or nests . 
             Anthills or nests  has hundred of little rooms and passages some of in these rooms in the anthill the queen ant  lays eggs Outhers  are nurseries for the young ones called grubs. workers  their reserved quarters. They spend most of time for searching food . There are some rooms use as store room for there food. Soldiers have separate barracks . No worker has ever tried to live in a soldier's house , no soldiers has  gone out for serchsear food .no worker or soldier or cleaner has ever harmed a grub .
              The queen is the mother of the entire population of the ant colony . It lives for about fifteen years . It has a pair of wings .
On a hot summer day the queen left the nest and flies out to meet a male ant in the air . On its return to anthills , it bites off its wings and lays eggs. Eggs hatch grubs are coming out,. Soldiers guard them,. Workers feed and clean these young ants and carry them for exercise and for sun shine Two or three weeks later , grabs become cocoons and lie without food or activity for three weeks more . After breaking of cocoons the perfect ants are appear . Now it is the time for training and teaching . New ants learn their duties from old ants ,solders, builders and cleaners.
After a few weeks the small ants are ready to go out for work .


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