What is Analgesics
About Analgesics:-
Analgesics:- These are neurologically actinv
drugs. This affect the massage transfer part/ mechanism from nerve to receptor . Analgesics reduce or abolish pain without impairment of consciousness , paralysis, incoordination or mental confusion or some other disturbance of nervous system. These are two types these are :- Narcotic Analgesics , Non - narcotic analgesics
1- Narcotic Analgesics :- opium derivatives are usually know as narcotics . These substances attack the nervous system of the body and decrease the body pain
Example- Apomorphine, Pethidine hydrochloride , Methadone , Heroin , Codeine , morphines.
2- Non-narcotic analgesics:- These can be prepared in the laboratory .
Example- salium salicylate , salicin . methyl salicylate .
The main disadvantage of salicylic acid derivatives is that these distub in gastrointestinal tract.