Electronic congratulations of the Actinides

Electronic configuration of the

                Actinides -

 i - Electronic configuration of the Actinides are not always easy to confirm because of some factors these are :

1- Atomic spectra of the heavy element are very difficult to interrupt in terms of configuration competition between  5fn7s² and 5fn–¹ 6ds² configuration is of interest.

2- For early Actinides , promotion 5f -> 6d occurs to provide more bonding electrons . Much easier than the corresponding 4f -> 5d promotion in Lanthanides .

3- Second half of Actinides series resemble lanthanides more closely .

ii - 5f orbital have greater extension with respect to 7s and 7p than do 4f relatively to 6s and 6p orbital .

iii - 5f , 6d , 7s and 7p orbitals are of comparable energies over a range of atomic numbers .
         especially U - Am .

iv - Tendency towards variable valence.

v - Greater tendency towards complex formation including complexation with π- bonding ligands.

vi - Electronic structure of an element in a given oxidation state may vary between compounds and in solution.

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