Preparation of Absolute alcohol

Absolute alcohol :- 
           100% pure alcohol is known as absolute alcohol . It is prepared in the laboratory by mixing 95.6% rectified spirit with required amount of quicklime (CaO) for fev hours and then on refluxing and distilling it . Commercial , it is prepared by azeatropic distillation method . The rectified spirit is first mixed with a suitable amount of benzene and is subjected to fractional distillation . The first fraction obtained at 331.8k contain 18.5% ethanol 7.5% water and 74.1% benzene is a constant boiling mixture (ternary azeotropic solution).The second fraction obtained at 341.2k contain 32.4% of ethanol and 67.6% benzene (binary azeotrope) . Finally , absolute alcohol is obtained at 351.5k as last fraction.

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