The actinides what is actinides history of actinides

The Actinides

The actinides series element with atomic numbers 89 to 103 and it is the third group in the periodic table . The series is the row below the lanthanides series (shown earlier),
which is placed underneath the main body of the periodic table .
      Lanthanides and Actinides series are both referred to as Rare earth metals . These 
elements are radioactive. The most common and known element is uranium mineral , which is used as nuclear fuel when it is convert into plutonium through a nuclear reaction.

  The first Actinides to be discovered were uranium mineral by Klaproth in 1789 and Thorium by Berzelius in 1829 , but most of the Actinides were man - made products of the 20th century .

  Actinium and protactinium occur only in trace amounts in nature as decay products of 253 - Uranium and 238 - Uranium  . Microscopic amount of plutonium are made by neutron capture by Uranium , and yet occurs naturally . Monazite is the principal Thorium ore . Monazite is a phosphate ore contain large amount of Lanthanides . The main uranium ore is U3 O8 and it is known as pitchblende.

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