What is the physical and chemical property of acyl Halides or acid Halides

Acyl Halides (Acid Halides):- 

  Acyl halides are the derivatives of mono carbocylic acid which obtained by the replacing the general - OH of the carboxylic group by halogen X atom 

 Physical properties of Acyl Halides

1: State - The lower acyl chlorides are colorless liquids of mobile and the higher members are colorless solid.

2: Smell - Acyl Halides have very irritating and pungent odour. They fume in air due to the Formation of hydrochloric acid by hydrolysis.

3:  Solubility - These are insoluble in water because they contain no hydrogen attached to oxygen . They are readily soluble in organic solvent .

4: Boiling point - They don't form intermolecular H-bond , b- pts are lower than those of parent acid.

Chemical properties of Acyl Halides or acid Halides :- 

Acid halide is the most reactive among all acid derivative of carboxylic acid. This is due to the presence of highly electron ngative character of cl - atom which increase the +ve charge on carboxylic carbon by withdrawing electrons from it As a result of which the carboxyl carbon is easily attacked by a nucleophile.

Important chemical reaction of acid chloride or  Acyl Halides :- 

Reaction with alcohol (Alcoholysis) -

Acid chloride react with alcohol readily to form esters .

Reaction with sodium salt of acid -

Acid chloride react with anhydrous sodium salt of carboxylic acids to form acid anhydrides .

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