What is Valence bond theory main postulates of valanc bond theory

Main postulates of Valanc bond theory are given below :- 

1:- The Central ion in the complex makes available a suitable number of Vacant orbital for accommodation of the lone pair electron donated by the ligand to form bonds .

2:- Depending upon the total amount of bond
to formed, the central metal atom or ion utilises appropriate number of atomic orbital having nearly same energy for hybridisation producing a set of equivalent orbital called hybrid orbital which gives the geometry of the complex .

3:- The empty hybrid orbital of central metal atom with the field of orbital of the ligand containing lone pair electron which result the Formation ligand to metal (L - M ) coordinate bond.

4:- Each ligand donates a pair of electron to the central metal atom of the complex .

5:- In the presence of stronger ligands , electron in central ion may be forced to pair up against the Hund's rule of the maximum multiplicity .

6:- The complex formed by the hybridisation of inner ( n___1 ) d subshell is called a low spin and the complex formed by the outer , nd subshell is called high spin (hypoligated) complex .

7:- If the complex contains unpaired electron , it is paramagnetic in nature , where the complex containing paired electron is diamagnetic in nature .

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