What is air pollution

  1. M Hack Tech Fact

Air pollution tragedy

Interacting and worid fact about air pollution.

  * Air is essential thing for all spisese who live in earth ,nobody  can live without pure oxygen  that's why air is the most important thing for life . But we are the intligeinte fool
People making the air polluted .there are milions of example are available on our earth  . One of this is( Bhopal gas tragedy ) 
                     Nobody has forgotten about the gas tragedy occurred at Bhopal on December 3,1984 in which about 4000 people were killed and meny people were became blind. But now every moment we breathe polluted air . and it is impossible to escape it .A man can live without water and food for some about 3days, but without air a man can live for maximum 2.5 /3 minutes.
 An average adult man exchange 15kg of air per day where  he cosum 1.5 kg of food and 2.5 kg of water.  It is clear that polluted air are more harmful  than polluted water and food we get in.
 Air .is a mixture of gases which includes 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 0.03 carbon dioxide and less than 1% argon .this composition of air called pure air . any  changes ( increase of air percentage and decrease of air percentage ) will harmful for our respiratory system.

       The by product of technologycally  developed society make our air polluted 
Most of industry throw out smoke from chimney burning of verious fuels  that make air polluted . And when we respire polluted air our longs are highly affected.
   The damage caused by pollution is colossal .The car exhaust gases affect many flower and vegetable crops . These have brbe killed and the cattle have been poisoned by the pollution. Even the tyres on automobile and fine building are greatly affected because of air pollution . It has also damaging effects on the human body and created meny number of serious  problem  as a result the number of deaths in united State and Europe country has increased during high level of air pollution .
Scientists are worried  about the harm ful gases like carbon monoxide ,carbo dioxide and many more harmful glass ., The atmosphere is getting warmer and if would definitely  cause of global warming . They think it may destroy the atmosphere  ozone layer o³ who protect us from harmful rays of sun light . Like uv light ultra violet light which is so harmful for our skin .it can cause many kind of skin disease and eye disease etc.
          Another concern is acid rain .it harmful for aquatic animals and plants, crops , building and drinking water because this rain contain oxides of sulphur and nitrogen . Along with other chemicals for this acid rain ,the river and lake water became acidic . Where any fish can survive. It also washes away the nutrients ,outher protein like calcium , potassium etc from soil upper layer . For that a plant can't grow. This rain also kill forests with all animal and bird . The species Butterfly spacialy Apollo butterfly in Sweden , the Dipper fish in central Wales and at Norwegian lakes Brown trout are greatly affected by acid rain . It also effect human with serious health disease like eyes problem ,lungs problem and skin allergy  And also meny more ..
   Also the building  are not escape from itsi bad effect . The old beautiful building like rajmahal in India , Krakow in Poland are badly effected by acidic smog. And also there are  many more famous popular monument are affected by acid rain and smog.
                    The air pollution can be controlled by  three major measure - these are preventive , disposal and collection measures .
                      Many industrialized countries have passed so many laws to control air pollution But sometimes the polluted gas cloud acidic smog carried by the wind from one country to another .: For example:-  Instance acid produced in  Britain and France get the damage in Sweden.
  Many effective steps have been taken by different countries to give pure air for there people and a stap to (save the world).
   Some stapes are taken by different countries  . Some of them are using Bs6 engine in both car and bike , burning low supsulp coal and oil in factory's and power plant to make low air pollution .

  It is most important and popular dream of nature lovers , climate scientists , technology  developer , physician , engineer, meteorologist , botanists and meny more people are trying their best to find out ways to control air pollution . Of course a lot of money will have to be spent in the future to clean the air . Probably the day is approaching when everyone in the cities can breathe pure air and also pollution can't block the sunlight . And there is any disease about pollution . Like eye , skin , lungs , heart , and brain disease .

                  Let's make it true..
           With a simple work .. plant a tree on your birthday . ,Don't use wooden fire place on home , make less trip on car and bike,
Use electric car and bike .
                       # Go Green 
                      # Save Tree
                      # Save Earth
                      # Save your country 
                      # Save your relatives
                     # Save your family 
         It's in your hand to protect your world..........
        As you know a research occurred in America , 
                  The researchers say that .. most of covid19 pesents are from most polluted area of America
      This research say how dadly the pollution is ..

If you Want to read more about air pollution and outher fact then click here -  Pollution  
                            By M Hack Tech Facts


  Click here for more facts-M Hack Tech Fact

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