Some bird species list of chilika

Interacting fact about bird..

Top 9 bird species who come to chilika ,with it's scientific name , where the bird migrates from and with it's photo>>

# Bird species no 1  >> Brahminy-shelduck 
Scientific name -Tadorna ferruginea.>>

 A regular winter visitor to chilika lake ,it migrates from china, Mongolia and Tibet

 # Bird species no 2>> Northern pintail , scientific name Anas Acura>>

 The most abundant migratory duck to visit
Chilika and the rest of India it comes from
Arcyic Russia

#Bird species no 3 >> Black tail godwit, scientific name Limosa Limosa.>>>
Classified as ( near Threatened ) ,this migratory Bird  wader arrive in chilika from  central Asia  and siberia . It's occur upto 80,000  in chilika . It shows the importance of the lake chilika.

# Bird species no 4>> common swallow scientific name Hirundo rustica.>>>
A small little winter visitor to chilika  from Himalayas and northern Europe .

# Bird species no 5>>river tern scientific name  sterna aurantia.>>>
A globally  and biome restricted species ,it breeds on Nalabana island is largest nesting colonies in India.

# Bird species no 6>> blue- breasted rail scientific name  (Galliralus stratus)>>>

A rare and highly secretive species that occurs in the marshes of mangaljodi Bhusandpur  and in chilika

# Bird species no7>>White bellied sea eagle scientific name Haliaeetus leucogaster.>>>

This majestic raptor at the apex of the food chain in chililc ,is a very good hunter, it feed on fish and sea sneaks .it make nests in tall trees around lagoon.

# Bird species no 8>>  spot - billed pelican scientific name pelecanus Philippines.>>>

With there large bill and pouch, spot --bill can be seen at Nalabana  scooping up fish swimming 

# Bird species no9>>Brahminy kite scientific name Haliastur indus.  >>>

 A handsome water loving kite always been seen flying over the fishing village and Nalabana. 
That are some interesting facts about bird

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