Indian bamboo

Bamboos are grown largely in western ghats and North east side .
It nearly covers almost 10 million hectares of India's jungle area. More than 100 species are living in jungle ,( about 30 -40 metre tall bamboo are find here. Dendrocalamus giganteus are about one better high ,  Acundinaria densifolia with an 8 millimetre girth, are found in our India .) We produce about 3.2 million tonnes of bamboo annually .
                      More than 50% of Bamboo is turned into paper,  the outher uses of plant has - making weapons part , construction material , bamboo tools and also for food . In the Monpas of Assam making a suspension bridge with the uses of bamboo . And  in Bihar bamboo is replacing plastic and metal tube , because it is cheap, more durable , rust-free and it is the best thing for poor farmers who never buy a tube or pipe ., Allahabad rehabilitation centre (viklang Kendra) for the handicapped, they makes man-made (artificial) limbs from bamboo which is lighter and cheeper than outher metal and plastic limb on market.
                 There are many myths are about bamboo , some of them are - Bamboo is often worship to ward off evil spirits., - During 'Makar Sankaranti' people pray to bamboo tree as vastu for the abode of God it happen in Bengal., - in some regions planting a Bamboo on the outskirts of their village or house to protect them from Enemies.
   There is a new uses found for the bamboo - scientists of forest Research institute , Debra Dun , are working on bamboo reinforced centre and extraction of diesel fuel from the plants many jointed stem . India's bamboo reserves are slowly dwindling , unfortunately , efforts to cultivate bamboo on a large scale have so far not succeeded.

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