What is parasitism

What is parasitism>>

>> Parasitism is a close association between two living organisms of different species which is beneficial to one species (parasite)
and harmful to outher species (host).

- parasite which live on the other surfaces of the hosts are called  ectoparasites.
  Example- ticks , flash , leechers etc..

 - The parasites living within the host body are known as endoparasites,.
Example-    tapeworm ,  liver , fluke , plasmodium etc...

    Adaptation of parasites

1- parasite show absence and degeneration of feeding and tocomotory organs
Example- fasciola and Taenia (tapeworm).

2- Green parasite plants develop haustoria
 Example-( cuscuta ) to absorb nutrients from the host .

3- several fungi and pathogenic parasites infecting mammals and birds , secret exoenzymes to digest host tissue .

4- Blood feeding parasites
      (Example- pulex , Hirundo) secret anticoagulant to maintain continuous flow of blood from the host .

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