Ebola virus disease

All about ebola virus
The deadly African virus.


   This virus is first appeared in Africa in 1976.
     It is also known as (African Hemorrhagic fever)
   It is mostly fatal disease cause blood vessels bursting in all tissue /organ systematically on nonhuman and human primates
        It cause over 1,000 deaths
                      Some around 1,500 cause
                    Excluding 2,000 outbreak

Some sub type of Ebola virus >>

Ebola - teston: this disease happen in nonhuman primates .
Ebola - Zaire, Ebola - Sudan , Ebola - lvory , coast these types of disease are find in human .

Diagnostic Test and symptoms>>

Early diagnosis :-  sign and symptoms are mostly similar/equal to outher infection .it is difficult to identify.

 Early symptoms:- stomach pain ,red eyes , diarrhoea, vomiting  , fever , rash on skin.

Acute symptoms:- bleeding from skin , internal organs damage orifices .

Laboratory test:- Elissa (enzyme - linked immunology -  absorbent) assay .
                        Or PCR detection.

 Treatment :-  1 There is no standard treatment available .
2 patients receive only supportive therapy .
3 Balancing fluids and electrolyte on patient.
4 Treating all complicating infection.
5  maintaining blood pressure and oxygen levels.

1 There is no vaccine available for this disease .
2 patients are in isolation .
3 InfactiInf control measures and area sterilization .
4 Training of medical staff . And western sanitation practice.
5 Incinerate all waste
6 Don't touch the blood , salg , urine etc of the patient.

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