Interacting facts about wild animal and bird

 Top 10 Interacting facts about animal and bird

Fact no 1>> A fox use it's tail as a signal flag 
to communicate with other foxes..
Fact no 2>>Reindeers are like bananas...
Fact no 3 >> The  lips of a hippopotamus are about 2 feet wide...
Fact no 4 >> horses spees standing up...
 Fact no 5>> Both black and white rhinoceros are actually great...
Fact no 6>>Rabbit are like licorice...
Fact no 7>>A humingbirds can't walk...
Fact no 8>>Kiwi birds are blind..
Fact no 9>> A woodpecker can peack 20 times in a second..
 Fact no 10 >> A snail can sleep for three years..

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