
Showing posts from June, 2020

Physical properties of ether

Physical properties of ether Physical state and odour:- Dimethyl ether and ethyl methyl ether are gases at ordinary temperature while other members are colourless liquids having a characteristics ether smell. Volatality :-   Lower ethers are highly volatile and are inflammable. Density :-   They are lighter than water . Solubility :-  lower ethers (uptoC³) are soluble in water because of dipolar nature of the C-O bond which forms H - bonding with water. However solubility of ether in water decrease due to increase of size of nonpolar Alkyl or Aryl groups  Boiling point:-  Due to weak dipole - dipole  interaction among ether molecules , they show slightly higher than the corresponding n - alkanes having comparable molecular masses . For example on Dimethyl ether (CH3- O -CH3) is 248k while propane (CH3 - CH2 - CH3) is 231k. However the boiling point of higher ether (>C⁴), are slightly lower than the corresponding n - alkanes of compara...

Physical properties of aryl halides

Aryl halides :-  State :   These are generally liquids at room temperature. Melting point and boiling point :  In aryl halides two forces , i.e dipole - dipole interaction and Vander waals forces of attraction generally decide it's physical properties . (a) - The melting point and boiling point of aryl halides are nearly the same as those of haloalkanes with the same number of carbon atom. (b) - For the same aryl group , the melting point and boiling point increase as the size of halogen atom . I.e.  iodo arenes > bromo arenes > chloro arenes  > iodo arenes . (Increase of van der waals forces of attraction) (c) - for the same halogen atom the melting point and boiling point are increase when the size of aryl group increase . (d) - Among the dialogue derivatives the boiling points are almost the same but the melting points of p - isomer is more than those of Ortho and meta isomers . It is because , due to symmetrical nature of p - isomer, the molecu...

Physical properties of alkyl halides

Physical properties  State:- The first number , Methyl halides are gases , C 18 colourless liquids while members are colorless  solid like wax. Solubility :- Although alkyl halides are polar in nature , they are insoluble in water , because they don't form H-bond with molecules of water . They are soluble in organic solvent like ether and benzene . Density:- Alkyl chloride are generally laughter than water where as bromide and iodides are heavier . These density in order are R___I > R ____Br > R ____CI. Boiling point:- The boiling point of Alkyl halides are in the of R___I >R___Br > R___CI. It is because due to the increase of atomic size and mass of halogen atom the magnitude of the van der waals forces of attraction increases However , In case of isomeric alkyl halides the boiling point decreased with increase in the branching . This is , because , on branching , the surface area of the molecules decrease . As a result of which , the magnitude of the van der waal...

Ether what is the chemical property of Ether

Chemical properties of Ether       Due to the absence of active sites and multiple bonds ether behave like a inert compound like alkane . At ordinary conditions they don't react with acid , oxidising agent , bases, reducing agent and active metals.        However ether show chemical reaction under certain condition.        Considering structure of ether (R - O - R) the chemical reaction of ether may be divided into some following type:-  (i) :- Substitute reaction due to the presence of alkyl group . (ii) :- Formation of oxonomium salt due to the presence of two lone pair electron on ethral oxygen . (iii) :- Cleavage of R - O bond as it is polar.

Aniline Test for aniline Uses of Aniline

Test for Aniline  1:- Aniline is diazotised by adding NaNO2 and HCL and then coupled with  B-Naphthol .A Scarlett red dye is formed . 2:- It gives carbylamine test. 3:- When bleaching powder is added to aniline , a purple color is produced which fades on standing .  4:- When a small amount of K² Cr² O7  solution is added to a solution of aniline in sulphuric acid a red colour is obtained which slowly changes to deep blue . Uses of Aniline 1:- For the production of synthesis dyes . 2:- In the manufacturer of rubber . 3:- For the preparation of isocyanates which is required for polyurethane plastics. 4:- For the preparation of medicines and drugs , sulphadrugs , photographic chemical, acetaldehyde , sulphanilic acids etc.

What is polysaccharides about polysaccharide how it made how polysaccharide work

Polysaccharide:-    Polysaccharide are the natural polymeric compounds in which a large number of monosaccharides units are joined by glycosidic linkage . The Constituent monosaccharides may be pentoses or hexoses polysaccharide composed of pentoses units are called pentosans and have the molecular formula (C5 H8 O4)n , where value of n varies from one compound to another. Similarly , polysaccharide made of hexoses units are called hexosans having the molecular formula (C6 H10 O5)n where the value of n varies from one compound to another .        Polysaccharide are usually amorphous , tasteless compound and insoluble in water. However on completely acid or enzymatic, hydrolysis change into monosaccharides . Cellulose , starch and glycogen are the three major polysaccharide.

Ether Uses of ether

Uses of Ether  1:- As an solvent in laboratory and industry because of its inert nature and good dissolving character . 2:- As a solvent for oils , fats, waxes Plastic and lacquers . 3:- As a reaction medium for various organic reaction such as Wurtz reaction or during preparation of Grignard reagent. 4:- As a substitute of Petrol in the trade name of Natalite (Alcohol and ether mixture) 5:- Diethyl ether is used as  inhalation anaesthesia in surgery , . ethene (F-CHC/- CF²-O-CHF²) isoflurane (F³C_CHC/_O_ CHF²)are used in place of ether for anesthesia because these are less hazardous and more active .  6:- As a refrigerant . A mixture of ether and dry ice is  used to low the temperature below 163k . 7:- As flavoring agent and in perfumes for giving smokeless pleasant odour .

Glycogen what is glycogen all about glycogen

Glycogen     Glycogen molecular formula is (C6 H10 O5)n and it's animal polysaccharide serving as a carbohydrate reserve for animal. It mainly store in liver. It is a polymer of glucose containing thusand of glucose units . It possesses a highly branched structure and also the degree of branching is about twice as much as in amylopectin.    In the living organism polysaccharides , such as glycogen and starch undergo enzymatic hydrolysis to give monosaccharides , glucose which is transported one cell to another cell by the sap in plants or blood in animals . Oxidation of glucose to CO² and water by a series of steps provides energy to function organisms.     It started may be here that human digestive system doesn't require enzymes for hydrolysis of cellulose . These enzymes are present in the digestive system of grazing animals , for which these animals use the cellulose of grass and plants for their food

What is starch

Starch :-             molecular formula is (C6 H10 O5)n and is another important plant polysaccharide occurring in plants in form of granules found mainly in the seeds , fruits , tubers and roots of the plants . Starch can be separated into two components , a water soluble components called amylase (about 20%) and a water insoluble components called amylopectin (about 80%) Each component is a glucose polymer . Amylose is made up of about 200 glucose units with unbranched chains and amylopectin is made of about 1000 glucose units with a highly branched structure.

Uses of methyl alcohol

Alcohol Uses of Alcohol methyl and ethyl alcohol

Phenol uses of phenol

Uses of phenol :-    Phenol use  1:- As an antiseptic in soaps , disinfectant and ointment . Dettol is phenol derivative I.e.  2,4- Dichloro-dimethyl phenol which is used as antiseptic. 2:-  In the manufacturer of drugs like phenacetin , aspirin , salol etc . 3:- For the manufacturer of phenolphthalein used as an indicator in acid - base titrations. 4:-  In the manufacturer of azodys    5:- As a preservation of ink. 6:- In the manufacturer of cyclohexanl which is used as a solvents for rubber and lacquers . 7:- In the manufacturer of bakellite which is used as the preparation of combs , fountain pen , electrical equipment etc. 8:- For the preparation of picric acid used as explosives .  9:- for the manufacturer of mouthwashes.

What is simple proteins

Simple proteins:-        These protein contain amino acid and are classified  into fibrous and globular proteins. fibrous proteins are insoluble animal proteins which include the protein of silk , wool ,hair ,horn , hooves, bones, nails and connective tissue. The major proteins of connective tissue , keratin , myosin (major proteins of muscles) elastins (present in tendons, elastic tissue, and arteries,) and ossein ( present in bones and teeth) are the fibrous proteins . These are elongated molecules containing several coiled peptide chains tightly linked.               Globular proteins include enzymes oxygen carrying proteins and protein hormones like insulin etc. Glutelins , protamine,histones, and prolamine are the globular protein, which are ovoidal or spherical in shape because of the coiled peptide chains . These protein are soluble in water or in aqueous  media containing alcohol ,salt , base and acid.

Helium Discovery of helium who discover helium sun and helium

About helium Discovery of helium :-  Janssen and Lockyer (1868) while examining the chromosphere of the sun during the total solar eclipse , observed a new yellow bright line in the sun which was different from that of  D¹ and D² lines of sodium . This was due to the presence of a new element which was named as Helium.      ( in Greek  : the say Helios  = Sun )  . Latter on , in 1885 , Ramsay obtained this gas by heating  clevite (uranium mineral) and confirmed this gas by   spectral analysis.

Some function of proteins

Function of proteins:-     1:- proteins are the structural components of cells. Myosin of muscles , keratin of skin and hair in mammals and collagen of connective tissue are the structural proteins . These proteins from the molecular frame work of living material. 2:- proteins are essential for hormone synthesis in the living cells . For example hormones from the thyroid and adrenal medulla are the derivatives of the amino acid , tyrosine.     3:- protein , such as haemoglobin , the respiratory pigment of animals , is the oxygen carrier in blood . Myoglobin transports oxygen in the muscles. 4:- proteins help in the body growth and in the repair of damaged cells and body of the living systems.  5:- proteins undergo gluconeogenesis and are used as food after conversations into glucose and glycogen in diabetic conditions.  6:- proteins function as reaction catalyzing agent , called enzymes, in the living cells .  7:-   proteins from th...

What are biomolecules

About Biomolecules :-    The word bio means life . Thus , Biomolecules is the molecule of life . A Biomolecule is any molecule that is produced by a living organism including large macromolecules , such as proteins , polysaccharide, lipids and nucleic acids as well as small molecules,such as primary metabolites (alcohol) secondary metabolites (antibiotics, penicillin,peptides etc) and also natural products . A general name for this class of molecule is Biogenic substance .

Denaturation of proteins

Denaturation of proteins:-   Proteins are biologically active in their native state . The secondary , tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins are maintain by comparatively weak force , and hence these structures are readily broken by different environmental changes . As a result , proteins lose their biological activity . This loss of activity is called denaturation .         When proteins are treated with stronger mineral acid or base , they suffer a loss in biological activity ,they undergo denaturation . Other cause of denaturation are changes in pH exposure to heavy metals like (pb,Hg,Ag) , physical agitation , heat applied at or above 100°C and treatment with organic solvents at or above room temperature . Example- of protein denatured by heat is the albumin of egg white . This is denaturation of coagulation.       Denaturation of protein finds use in clinical laboratory . Blood or serum sample for analysis are denatured by treatin...

What is conjugated protein

Conjugated protein:-         Conjugated proteins are the complex proteins in which the protein molecule is linked with the characteristic non-amino acid substances . Nucleoproteins (protein + nucleic acids) mucoproteins , glycoproteins, chromoproteins, lipoproteins (water soluble proteins contains lipids) , metalloproteins (meta binding proteins) , transferring bind iron , copper and zinc) flavoprotein and phosphoproteins (proteins containing phosphoric group , Example- casein of milk are conjugated proteins.

What is vitamin B¹²

About Vitamin B¹² Vitamin B¹² found in liver , rain water, meat and also in eggs. It is soluble in water it sometimes referred as cobalamin as it is the first cobalt contain organic compound. It causes pernicious anemia

What is vitamin B6

Vitamin B6:-   Pyridoxine , pyridoal and pyridoxamine come under the vitamin B6 . It is found in meat , fish , egg yolk and whole cereals . It is soluble in water . It's deficiency cause dermatitis , anaemia and epileptic seisures

What is vitamin B2

Little about vitamin B ² :-     Vitamin B² or Riboflavin (C 17 H 20 O6 N4) : it found in egg , yolk , liver , milk , kidenk and green leafy vegetables .it is soluble in water and is not affected by heating . It's deficiency leads to general I'll health , inflammation of lips dermatitis and dryness and burning of eyes.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B :-    Vitamin B or Thiamine : it is found in unpolished rice , whole cereals , yeast, eggs , liver , milk  , and green vegetables . It is soluble in water and it destroyed to some extent on heating it's deficiency cause loss of appetite and beriberi disease.

Vitamin A

About vitamin A  Vitamin A  (C6 H²0 O)  :- milk products , liver, eggs , fresh vegetables and cod liver oil contains vitamin A . It is soluble in fats and oils but in soluble in water . It is derivative of B - carotin it is readily destroyed on heating. The vitamin A deficiency leads to retarded growth and lower resistance to infection . It's deficiency also causes xerosis (the skin begins to dry) , night- blindness.

About vitamin C

Vitamin C:-    Vitamin C also known as Ascorbic acid     (C6 H8 CO6) : It is found in citrus fruits such as (oranges and lemons) papita, tomatoes , green vegetables, amla, and chillies. It is soluble in water and destroyed on heating.It is also destroyed on exposure of air for any length of is therefore , from fresh source and the vegetables containing vitamin C should be cooked in close vessels . The diseases like skin disease, scurvy, pyorrhea are due to vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamin D source of vitamin D about vitamin D

About Vitamin D :-   Vitamin D found in egg , milk , and cod liver oil. It is also produced by the action of UV light on sterols present under the skin.    It is insoluble in water but soluble in fats and oils . It is not affected by heating . Vitamin D consists of a group of about ten compounds . The disease like rickets and deformation of jaws and teeth develop due to deficiency.

Vitamin E

About vitamin E or Tocopherol :-       There are four different forms of vitamin E ,but most potent of these is the Tocopherol. it is found in egg yolk,milk,peanut oil, wheat germ oil, cottonseed oil,and leafy vegetables. It is insoluble in water but soluble in fats and oils .it is not affected on heating . Loss of reproductive sterility is caused due its deficiency , that's why , it is known as antifertility vitamin.   

What is vitamin k

Vitamin K:-   Vitamin K¹ abd vitamin K ² constitute the vitamin K . It is found in leafy vegetables , fish , egg yolk and liver . It is soluble in fats and oils but insoluble in water . It is unaffected by heat . It plays a key roll in coagulation properties of blood and haemorrhage occurs due its deficiency.

What is mutation

Mutation:-             Under certain condition, the nitrogen base sequence of a particular amino acid gets altered . Such alterations then are stable and persist in succeeding molecule generation of DNA when such changes happen , the structural and functional traits of a cell also change correspondingly . Through changes in it's cell , a whole animal and it's progeny may become changed in the course of successive generations , this is equivalent to evaluation.

What are informational and non - informational macromolecules

Informational and non informational macromolecules:-        Nucleic acid and proteins are the informational macromolecules by virtue of their structure . Polysaccharides and lipid are the non-informational macromolecules . Nucleic acid molecule contain specific information rich sequence due to the presence of mononucleosis . Similarly , each protein molecule contains specific information - sequence of 20 different amino acid . Various polysaccharides don't bear information and so also the lipids because their fatty acid components are constructed from repeating , identical units having two carbon atoms.

What is sickle cell anaemia

Sickle cell anaemia:-    Sickle cell anaemia is a syndrome in which the insoluble haemoglobin precipitates in the red cells and the red cells assume a sickle shape . Haemoglobin is a carrier protein .   When one amino acid is altered in the chain of the protein , from Glu ->Val, the haemoglobin protein become less soluble , especially when it is not carrying oxygen .

What is confirmation

Confirmation:-   The structure of protein is very important as it detects the biological functions of protein . A particular structure conforms the specific function of a protein called confirmation which is the three dimensional arrangement of the atoms in a molecule