Denaturation of proteins

Denaturation of proteins:-

 Proteins are biologically active in their native state . The secondary , tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins are maintain by comparatively weak force , and hence these structures are readily broken by different environmental changes . As a result , proteins lose their biological activity . This loss of activity is called denaturation . 

       When proteins are treated with stronger mineral acid or base , they suffer a loss in biological activity ,they undergo denaturation . Other cause of denaturation are changes in pH exposure to heavy metals like (pb,Hg,Ag) , physical agitation , heat applied at or above 100°C and treatment with organic solvents at or above room temperature . Example- of protein denatured
by heat is the albumin of egg white . This is denaturation of coagulation.

      Denaturation of protein finds use in clinical laboratory . Blood or serum sample for analysis are denatured by treating with certain acids to precipitated most of the proteins , and on centrifugation the protein free supernatant liquid separated is used for analysis.

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