Glycogen what is glycogen all about glycogen

 Glycogen molecular formula is (C6 H10 O5)n
and it's animal polysaccharide serving as a carbohydrate reserve for animal. It mainly store in liver. It is a polymer of glucose containing thusand of glucose units . It possesses a highly branched structure and also the degree of branching is about twice as much as in amylopectin.

   In the living organism polysaccharides , such as glycogen and starch undergo enzymatic hydrolysis to give monosaccharides , glucose which is transported one cell to another cell by the sap in plants or blood in animals . Oxidation of glucose to CO² and water by a series of steps provides energy to function organisms.

    It started may be here that human digestive system doesn't require enzymes for hydrolysis of cellulose . These enzymes are present in the digestive system of grazing animals , for which these animals use the cellulose of grass and plants for their food

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