What is simple proteins

Simple proteins:- 

     These protein contain amino acid and are classified  into fibrous and globular proteins.
fibrous proteins are insoluble animal proteins which include the protein of silk , wool ,hair ,horn , hooves, bones, nails and connective tissue. The major proteins of connective tissue , keratin , myosin (major proteins of muscles) elastins (present in tendons, elastic tissue, and arteries,) and ossein ( present in bones and teeth) are the fibrous proteins . These are elongated molecules containing several coiled peptide chains tightly linked.
              Globular proteins include enzymes oxygen carrying proteins and protein hormones like insulin etc. Glutelins , protamine,histones, and prolamine are the globular protein, which are ovoidal or spherical in shape because of the coiled peptide chains . These protein are soluble in water or in aqueous  media containing alcohol ,salt , base and acid.

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