Ether Uses of ether

Uses of Ether 

1:- As an solvent in laboratory and industry because of its inert nature and good dissolving character .

2:- As a solvent for oils , fats, waxes Plastic and lacquers .

3:- As a reaction medium for various organic reaction such as Wurtz reaction or during preparation of Grignard reagent.

4:- As a substitute of Petrol in the trade name of Natalite (Alcohol and ether mixture)

5:- Diethyl ether is used as  inhalation anaesthesia in surgery , . ethene (F-CHC/- CF²-O-CHF²) isoflurane (F³C_CHC/_O_ CHF²)are used in place of ether for anesthesia because these are less hazardous and more active . 

6:- As a refrigerant . A mixture of ether and dry ice is  used to low the temperature below 163k .

7:- As flavoring agent and in perfumes for giving smokeless pleasant odour .

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