Some function of proteins
Function of proteins:-
1:- proteins are the structural components of cells. Myosin of muscles , keratin of skin and hair in mammals and collagen of connective tissue are the structural proteins . These proteins from the molecular frame work of living material.
2:- proteins are essential for hormone synthesis in the living cells . For example hormones from the thyroid and adrenal medulla are the derivatives of the amino acid , tyrosine.
3:- protein , such as haemoglobin , the respiratory pigment of animals , is the oxygen carrier in blood . Myoglobin transports oxygen in the muscles.
4:- proteins help in the body growth and in the repair of damaged cells and body of the living systems.
5:- proteins undergo gluconeogenesis and are used as food after conversations into glucose and glycogen in diabetic conditions.
6:- proteins function as reaction catalyzing agent , called enzymes, in the living cells .
7:- proteins from the basic of blood type . Immunoglobulin of blood plasmas in mammals and other animals are used as antibodies that work against viruses , bacteria and cell from other organism.